Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

READ: Luke 16:19-31

PRAY: Find a Small Catechism and read Luther’s comments on Confession ( Pray a prayer of confession to God. Read God’s promises through Baptism (as in Mark 16:16) to hear again God’s assurance of forgiveness.
DO: Watch the movie The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005, PG). Notice the parallels between Francis’ initial treatment and Lazarus in the Bible story. Might there be anyone like this in your community / social circles? Keep an eye out for anyone and ways that you might include him/her.

**** Or ****

Try not spending any money for a day (or longer). Is it hard? Are you spending your money the way God wants you to?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Parables of Lost and Found Luke 15:1-32

Read: Luke 15:1-32

Pray: Each day give thanks to God for one thing that you’ve found that reflects his love and grace to you.

Do: Go on a “spiritual” scavenger hunt in your home to find: a cross, a Bible bookmark, a plaque or other decoration with a meaningful Scripture verse, a Christian symbol, a devotion book, a prayer book, and a Bible. How long did it take you to find all these items? What was the easiest item? What was the hardest item? Were there any you couldn’t find? How does God use certain items and people in our lives to seek us out? How can we use these gifts to seek out others in need?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bible Study Tonight 1/15/09 7:00-8:30PM

Just a note that Bible Study WILL meet tonight. If the weather conditions are bad, please use your good sense and don't come out. I will have copies of tonight's handout available for anyone who isn't able to come and would like them on Sunday. If I'm the only one here, we'll repeat tonight's lesson next week, but since the weather advisory ended this morning, we're going to at least give it a chance...

Stay safe and warm!

In Christ,
Pastor Amy

Sabbath Day Healings Luke 13:10-17 & 14:1-6

READ: Luke 13:10-17 and 14:1-6

PRAY: In both of these stories, Jesus heals on the Sabbath day. Jesus does this not to show a disrespect for Jewish worship, but to demonstrate what all worship ought to be about. In worship this week, pay special attention to prayers for healing. At home, give thanks again, and pray for God to go with you as you follow the command, “Go in peace. Serve the Lord.”

DO: Find information about Jewish observance of the Sabbath Day. When does this observance begin / end? What does a typical Sabbath day include? How is this different / similar to Christian observances? Pick something from the Jewish practice of observing the Sabbath and try to work it into your own Sabbath observance for the next week or two.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Good Samaritan

Read: Luke 10:25-37

Pray: Reflect on the people you’ve encountered today. How did you respond to them? Pray a prayer of confession for ways you weren’t the best neighbor. Ask God to help you be a better neighbor to everyone you encounter.

Respond: Think of a person in your life who could especially use a good neighbor right now. Find a way to show your neighborly love to him/her this week (ex. phone call, card, visit, home cooked meal, cookies, hug, etc.)