READ: Matthew 26:1-30a; Mark 14:1-31; Luke 22:7-38
PRAY: The traditional Jewish Passover prayer before drinking the first cup of wine is “Blessed are you, O Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.” This same introduction is used for all of the scripted Passover prayers. Begin your prayers this week in a similar manner: “Blessed are you, O Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe…” Reflect on how God’s relationship with that to/for which you’re praying inform your prayer and God’s response?
DO: In the church, we often commemorate the Last Supper on a day called “Holy Thursday” or “Maundy Thursday.” Talk to others about what they think this day, especially the term “Maundy” means, and what it represents. Do they know what we commemorate on this day? Research and see if you can find out the origins of the term “Maundy” and/or what we do/say in worship on Maundy/Holy Thursday. OR
DaVinci’s famous painting depicts The Last Supper. The fiction novel and film The DaVinci Code has popularized much speculation about this painting and the actual event. Look into DaVinci’s painting, or read the book…how do these secular things inform your reading of Scripture?