For Next Week: Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
READ: Acts 8:26-40
PRAY: The Spirit sent Philip to the man from Ethiopia on his way home from worship, while reading the Scriptures. Find ways in your week to let worship and Scriptures guide your prayer.
The Ethiopian eunuch responds that he cannot understand the scriptures “unless someone guides me” (Acts 8:31). How has guided you in your understanding of God’s Word?
How and for whom have you or can you also be a guide in this way?
In what ways has your faith been nourished/enriched when you let someone else guide you?
The Spirit leads Philip to the Ethiopian. How does God’s Spirit also lead you to witness? Do you follow? What happens when you do (or don’t) follow this call?
Philip interprets the Word of God for the Ethiopian. How does the Ethiopian interpret the Word of God for Philip?
How can all proclamation / ministry also be about mutuality (sharing God’s Word with one another)?
How is your baptism the same and different from the Ethiopian man’s baptism?
DO: The Christian Church is growing rapidly in the Southern hemisphere (in places such as Ethiopia), while churches lament lack of attendance and waning biblical knowledge / faith in the Northern hemisphere where the Gospel has dominated for so long. Learn more about the Church in the Southern Hemisphere. What lessons can we learn from these brothers and sisters?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Peter Heals a Man Who is Crippled (Acts 3:1-4:31)
PRAY: Pray that God grant you boldness (See Acts 4:24-30).
What cripples or disables you? What are you afraid of? What in your life needs to experience Christ’s healing?
What does it mean to pray for boldness? How does God call us to be bold in our faith and proclamation? When might you offer such a prayer?
How does God answer such prayers? How did God answer the prayers of the early Christians in Acts?
Describe the “Holy Spirit”. Can you identify the Holy Spirit’s activity in your life?
Do you pray for God’s healing? What does such a prayer look like for you?
Why do we sometimes hesitate to invoke God’s name for the healing?
The name of Jesus is incredibly powerful in Acts. Remember the second commandment. How do you use (or fail to use) this name in your life? In your witness?
DO: Learn about Archbishop Oscar Romero and his boldness in faith. Search the internet for his name, watch the 1989 movie, Romero, read one (or more) of his books such as Voice of the Voiceless, or a biography (see authors James Brockman, Irene Hodgson, Marie Dennis, etc.).
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21)
PRAY: When you were confirmed this (or a similar) prayer was said over you. As an affirmation of your baptismal relationship with God, this is a prayer that can be said many times in a person’s life. Pray this for yourself (and your loved ones) this week:
Stir up in name the gift of your Holy Spirit:the spirit of wisdom and understanding,the spirit of counsel and might,the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord,the spirit of joy in your presence,both now and forever.Amen.
(Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Affirmation of Baptism)
Recall a time you felt worried or alone, but had a sense God was still with you. What gave you this assurance? How do you think the Holy Spirit was at work in this experience?
How do you see the Holy Spirit at work in your life?
In what ways have you been a witness for Jesus Christ?
If you were going to tell someone the good news about Jesus Christ, what would you say?
Who does the Holy Spirit work through? Who, in your life, has shared the good news about Jesus Christ with you?
DO: Remember your baptism and confirmation as experiences of the Holy Spirit. Dig up any old photographs, certificates, or other mementos. Talk to friends or family members who remember the event. Remember also meaningful baptism and confirmation experiences of
others close to you. Share your memories with them as you are able.
Stir up in name the gift of your Holy Spirit:the spirit of wisdom and understanding,the spirit of counsel and might,the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord,the spirit of joy in your presence,both now and forever.Amen.
(Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Affirmation of Baptism)
Recall a time you felt worried or alone, but had a sense God was still with you. What gave you this assurance? How do you think the Holy Spirit was at work in this experience?
How do you see the Holy Spirit at work in your life?
In what ways have you been a witness for Jesus Christ?
If you were going to tell someone the good news about Jesus Christ, what would you say?
Who does the Holy Spirit work through? Who, in your life, has shared the good news about Jesus Christ with you?
DO: Remember your baptism and confirmation as experiences of the Holy Spirit. Dig up any old photographs, certificates, or other mementos. Talk to friends or family members who remember the event. Remember also meaningful baptism and confirmation experiences of
others close to you. Share your memories with them as you are able.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Road to Emmaus (Luke 24)
For Next Week: Go to Church!! (Maundy Thursday Worship 7:00PM)
For the Week after: Road to Emmaus
READ: Luke 24
PRAY: In this week’s story, Christ appears in the breaking of the bread. Pray for Christ to be present and reveal himself whenever you eat this week. If you aren’t in the habit of regular table grace, now is a good time to start!
The disciples on the roadside are wrestling with doubt. Remember a time in your faith life when you experienced doubt. How did you move from doubt to faith? Did this experience strengthen your faith? Why or why not?
How did Jesus reveal himself to the disciples? How does Jesus continue to reveal himself to you? To our world / community?
If you met Jesus walking along the road, how would you know that it was him? How would he be able to convince you? What would you say to Jesus / ask him once you knew it was him?
We experience Jesus weekly in the breaking of the bread at the Communion table. Remember a time you received communion that was particularly powerful for you. What made it different? Looking back, was there a way in which Jesus was revealing himself to you in that meal?
How do you encounter Jesus weekly through the Sacrament of Holy Communion? Why is this important to you?
DO: Jesus made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of the bread. Consider baking a loaf of bread to bring to communion. Or, better yet, bake a loaf of bread to give to or share with a friend or neighbor – make Jesus known to them through the breaking of the bread!
For the Week after: Road to Emmaus
READ: Luke 24
PRAY: In this week’s story, Christ appears in the breaking of the bread. Pray for Christ to be present and reveal himself whenever you eat this week. If you aren’t in the habit of regular table grace, now is a good time to start!
The disciples on the roadside are wrestling with doubt. Remember a time in your faith life when you experienced doubt. How did you move from doubt to faith? Did this experience strengthen your faith? Why or why not?
How did Jesus reveal himself to the disciples? How does Jesus continue to reveal himself to you? To our world / community?
If you met Jesus walking along the road, how would you know that it was him? How would he be able to convince you? What would you say to Jesus / ask him once you knew it was him?
We experience Jesus weekly in the breaking of the bread at the Communion table. Remember a time you received communion that was particularly powerful for you. What made it different? Looking back, was there a way in which Jesus was revealing himself to you in that meal?
How do you encounter Jesus weekly through the Sacrament of Holy Communion? Why is this important to you?
DO: Jesus made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of the bread. Consider baking a loaf of bread to bring to communion. Or, better yet, bake a loaf of bread to give to or share with a friend or neighbor – make Jesus known to them through the breaking of the bread!
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