Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sending of the Seventy

READ: Luke 10:1-24

PRAY: Think of all the people in your life who have proclaimed the Gospel to you. Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for them. Pray for all those you can think of who are still at work proclaiming the Gospel to others. Pray that God would use you for this purpose too.
DO: Learn more about missionaries. Go to the ELCA website and search for “missionaries” or reference the ELCA magazine provided in your stewardship materials. What are some of the ways missionaries today are being “sent out” and “proclaiming the Gospel”?

(Enjoy your Christmas Holiday - our regular Bible Study will resume on Thursday, Jan 8, with a discussion on this text)

1 comment:

Pastor Amy Allen said...

What’s the job description of these apostles: What does Jesus call these seventy people to de? Where does he send them?

What is so outrageous / scary / difficult about the mission of the seventy?

Compare this text to Matthew 8:19-22. What warnings does Jesus give his potential followers?

What resources does God offer the seventy to fulfill their calling?

Has God ever asked you to do something that seemed outrageous or scary or difficult? How did you respond?

What resources did God offer you to help you get through your difficult calling?

What’s the job description of a present day Christian?

What warnings does (or should) Jesus give potential followers in today’s world?