Thursday, December 3, 2009

12/3 Rahab

What motivates Rahab to protect the spies? (Read Joshua 2:8-13)

Would you describe Rahab as “faithful”? To whom is she faithful? What does faithfulness mean in this context? What are the results?

Have you ever experienced a time when your political or even familial loyalties were at odds with faithfulness to the God you believe to be “God in heaven above and on earth below”? How did you respond?

The author of Hebrews includes Rahab among the faithful (Heb. 11:31). James says this Canaanite convert is “justified by works” when she welcomes the “messengers” of Joshua (James 2:25). How is faith joined with works in your life? Can/should these two concepts always be divided?

What is the “law”? What can we learn from this story about Christian living?

What is the “gospel”? What can we learn from this story about God’s faithfulness?

If you take seriously what God is telling you in this story, what would change in your life?

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